This Side of Paradise Quotes


“All diamonds look big in the rough.”


Somebody may think that this quote is about the prettiness of diamonds, but it is not. It is about the most popular issue in the world. It is not difficult to guess that the appearance is a common and actual problem in the society. The author compares the diamond with the appearance to show the significance of human soul. The rough diamond seems to us as a really huge and beautiful thing, but it is not so perfect after the grinding. The same thing refers to appearance. The person seems to be good and responsive before the acquaintance. Beautiful eyes, expensive clothes and tidy hair attract us. But actually it can hide the awful truth. He or she can come to light as an egotistical, hypocritical and selfish person with the callous soul.

Fitzgerald tries to prove that appearances are deceptive. You shouldn’t just judge people by their appearance and reputation, if you don’t want to be disappoint.

Life was a damned muddle … a football game with every one off-side and the referee gotten rid of—everyone claiming the referee would have been on his side…


The main opinion, which the author wants to express in this quote, concerns the human indifference. Our life is a confusion of betrayals, wars, misfortune, diseases, abuses and insults. And after this list of cruel things people still dare to complain on their life! Actually, it is easy to find the reason of this “muddle”. Yeah, the humanity is guilty that the world becomes merciless. Maybe, God sometimes punishes people for sins. But if to be honest, people make many problems themselves. In result, they don’t want to be responsible for deeds and always say “it's no concern of mine”.

So, this quote motivates everybody to think about the current state of the life and unite to make this world more friendly and peaceful.

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