Top Gun

Director's Influence on Top Gun

The concept and screenplay for Top Gun preceded Tony Scott's involvement with the film, but he turned out to be the perfect director to bring the script to life. A former art student, action enthusiast and a veteran of commercials, Tony Scott brought a refined aesthetic and an adrenaline-loving attitude towards filming that makes Top Gun one of the most visceral and exciting action films of all time.

He was known for his quick cuts and satellite angles on the action, drawing the viewer into the action and suspense of every sequence. Additionally, he had an eye for aesthetics, favoring a blue tint and framing the vibrant colors of the California desert, making for a vivid backdrop.

While many allege that Tony Scott was the opposite of an artist's director, in that he prized marketability over the integrity of the story, it might also be argued that he made an art of the blockbuster. As an article in Slate states, "Rather than borrowing the brand-name appeal of comic books or toy lines, Tony Scott created his own commercial brand. And it wasn’t just his style that was his signature. Scott’s heroes shared a thrill-seeking quality—one the avid rock-climber may have related to—and they often had complicated relationships with their friends and rivals."

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