Top Gun

Top Gun Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What makes Maverick such an exceptional pilot?

    Maverick is incredibly competent and good at flying, as is established from the start of the film. The quality that makes him so exceptional, however, is also connected to one of his flaws as a naval aviator: that he is so reckless and confident. This confidence and ability to take risks helps him in particularly difficult missions, and he is willing to go above and beyond. Sometimes this is an asset, and sometimes it is a liability.

  2. 2

    How does director Tony Scott heighten the tension in the film's action sequences?

    The primary directorial tactic Scott uses to heighten the tension in the action sequences, such as when the men are flying, is by doing swift cuts between shots. For instance, in the fateful mission in which Goose dies, Scott jumps around between the different aircraft and the base at Top Gun. All of the different characters respond to the conflicts in different ways, and the camera jumps around, showing all of their responses. The action sequences are markedly realistic, and the viewer sees events from many different perspectives.

  3. 3

    How does Maverick end up getting over Goose's death and moving on?

    For a time, it seems as though the death of Goose will haunt Maverick for the rest of his life and he won't be able to fly ever again. Then, when he embarks on the rescue mission, Maverick carries Goose's dog tags with him and calls on the power of Goose's spirit to help him through the difficulties of the mission. It is the memory of Goose that propels Maverick to save the day and fly heroically. His friend may not be there with him in body, but Maverick is able to connect with the memory of Goose, and remember how Goose made him a better pilot, which helps bring him through the mission.

  4. 4

    How does Viper help Maverick?

    After Goose's death, Maverick cannot decide whether to stay in the Navy or to retire completely. He goes to Viper's house, looking for some advice. Viper tells Maverick the story of his father's courage in the Navy. For many years, Maverick thought his father had died dishonorably, but Viper proves that this isn't the case. With this information, Maverick feels more comfortable about his own legacy as a pilot, and is able to find some closure with the mystery surrounding his father's death. When it comes to making a decision about whether or not to retire, Viper tells him that he cannot make the decision for him, which empowers Maverick to make his own decision.

  5. 5

    What does Maverick's motorcycle symbolize?

    Maverick is, true to his name, a maverick, meaning that he likes to play by his own set of rules and he is a true independent thinker. He is also an adrenaline junkie, as represented by the way he flies his planes in the Navy. The motorcycle that he drives around symbolizes his renegade, reckless spirit, and his brazen confidence. Even when he isn't being a fighter pilot, Maverick is a force to be reckoned with, a man who likes danger, and the motorcycle represents this.

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