Top Gun

Top Gun Imagery

Maverick looking in the mirror

Immediately after Goose's death, Maverick is shown in a bathroom at Top Gun, wearing a towel and looking at his reflection in the mirror. Viper comes to talk to him, trying to convince him that Goose's death wasn't his fault, but Maverick isn't ready to internalize this. He stares at his reflection in the mirror, and the image represents the ways that Maverick cannot forgive himself for what happened to Goose, the ways that he is, rather uncharacteristically, looking inward and trying to come to terms with his inner life, rather than simply barging forward with his life. The image shows that Goose's death is forcing Maverick to confront himself.


In the middle of the film, there is a montage of the men playing volleyball in the late evening sun. Iceman and Slider play against Maverick and Goose, and we see the men, half naked, playing volleyball, as Kenny Loggins' "Playing with the Boys" plays. The image is at once homoerotic and ultra-macho, as the chiseled and oiled men play a heated game. The image of the men playing volleyball does not contribute much to the plot, but highlights the rivalry between Maverick and Iceman, and the athleticism of the pilots at Top Gun.

Maverick and Charlotte in Silhouette

After Charlotte tells Maverick that she admires his flying, they begin a passionate affair. As Berlin's "Take My Breath Away" plays, we see the two lovers coming together in a breezy, dimly-lit room. The room is dark enough that we watch their silhouettes come together as the sensuous song plays. The image signifies that after playing evasive games in their courtship, Maverick and Charlotte are finally coming together, slowly and sensually, and can finally trust one another.

Maverick on the runway

After visiting Viper at his home, Maverick goes to the runway at Top Gun and sits on his motorcycle at sunset, watching planes take off. The image represents the fact that Maverick is at a crossroads, that he needs to decide between retiring from the Navy altogether and going to graduation the following day. Maverick seems to be in his element watching the planes go by, and the viewer can see that it would not be easy for him to leave it all behind. The runway is his home, and he is about to make a huge decision.

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