Tristram Shandy Characters

Tristram Shandy Character List

Tristram Shandy

Tristram Shandy is the narrating voice in the novel and he is the Author of his autobiography too. He faced a series of accidents at the very early age such as his conception, his broken nose, christening his weird name. But being a narrator of the novel he gives a detailed account of other character and incidents.

Walter Shandy

Walter Shandy is the father of Tristram Shandy and brother of Toby Shandy. He is a philosophical man, who loves philosophical argumentation, reading and discussions. He is a sensible but honest and benevolent man. He was suffering from sciatica.

Mrs. Shandy

She is the mother of Tristram Shandy and also the one who is responsible for Tristram’s nature as she interrupted his husband while they were having sex. She spies at the keyhole to find out his husband and others conversations.

Toby Shandy

He is Tristram’s uncle and brother of Walter Shandy. He is a retired military man. As Tristram tells his reader, his uncle is a gentle and kind person. His only aim in life is the fortification and history of Military.


Yorick is a clergyman, a good friend, and the adviser of Walter and Tristram Shandy.

Corporal Trim

He is a servant and a close friend of Toby Shandy. His name is James Butler. He likes to give speeches and advises people a lot.

Widow Wadman

She is a woman who is full of sexual desire. She was disappointed with her husband and was looking for another man who can satisfy her sexually. Later she met Toby and falls in love with him but she wants to be sure that he can function properly in bed too.


She is the caretaker of Mrs. Shandy. She is responsible for many small disasters but she is the one who supports Mrs. Shandy for a midwife.


He is a butler to Walter Shandy.

Dr. Slop

He is Doctor of the village Tristram lives in. He was the one who broke Tristram’s nose during surgery, and he leaves him in pain. He always bleeds people rather than curing them.

The Midwife

The lady who assists the delivery of Tristram.

Bobby Shandy

He is the older brother of Tristram. He dies in London, although he never appears in novel but his death was discussed.

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