Tristram Shandy Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How has the novel ‘Tristram Shandy’ contributed to the poster modern rules governing creative writing?

    The ‘Tristram Shandy’ novel was first published in the mid 17th century when creative writing rules had not been introduced. However, Sterne ventured into novel writing to explore his capability and talent. Despite the novel violating various creative writing rules, Stern's work still fits modern literature because his book is still relevant. The 'Tristram Shandy' story laid the foundation for creative writing. The codification rules governing novels' writing are largely based on the successes and failures of Sterns' early literary work.

  2. 2

    How does the author develop situational paradox in the novel ‘Tristram Shandy’?

    Tristram's parents are shocked when they realize that their son is not depicting what they expected at birth. The author describes Tristram's birth as a horrific experience because the technique used during his delivery left him with injuries. Tristram is born in the 17th century when medical technology was not there. However, Tristram's parents expected a healthy and normal boy, but their son's body was disfigured during birth.

  3. 3

    How does the author depict the sense of sight to the reader?

    The sense of sight is depicted to the reader by the author's description of Tristram's birth. The conditions under which Tristram is born are vividly described, and this aids the reader to visualize the actual happenings during that day. For instance, the author describes how Tristram's nose is damaged and mutated during birth. Therefore, through the description, the reader can see the actual happenings, and this plays an essential role in engaging the reader to continue reading the novel.

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