Tristram Shandy Summary

Tristram Shandy Summary

The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, gentleman is about the life of the fictional character, Tristram Shandy. This is a psychological novel, in which Tristam Shandy is the narrator. The Book is divided into 9 volumes by Laurence Sterne, which is published between 1759-1767. This is a piece of 18th-century writing but still to readers, it feels like a postmodern literature. This novel has problems with communication as all the character of the novel are unable to communicate each other properly.

From the beginning of the novel, Tristram was very upset because of the interruption of his mother during his conception by asking a question to his father that he had remembered to wind the clock. Because Tristram believed that the moment of one’s conception matters the most, it nurtures the mind, body, and character of the child. Later Tristram introduces the reader to the other character of the novel like his family, his father Walter Shandy, and his uncle Toby Shandy. He presented the stories of his family history, his uncle Toby’s affection for military fortifications in a disjointed manner. He talked about his Uncle Toby’s groin injury.

Then the day of his birth come, his father and uncle Toby were chatting in the living room. Finally, Susannah came to inform them, that Mrs. Shandy is about to deliver the child, Susannah calls the midwife, she arrives but to be extra sure Walter Shandy send Obadiah to call Dr. Slop. But the doctor did not bring his medicine bag, then; Obadiah brings the bag as Walter asks him to do so. Then both Toby and Mr. Shandy begin their conversation. Then, Tristram born and various disasters begin, Dr. Slop cuts Toby's skin during practice then he cuts his thumb accidentally, Susannah cuts her arm, the midwife falls on the floor; and eventually, Dr. Slop breaks Tristram’s nose and then he makes a new nose bridge.

Then Tristram tells the story of Hafen Slawkenbergius, a fictional character’s tale, who has a large nose. When his father was thinking the name of the newborn child, Susannah came to him and tell that the child may not live and he needs to be baptized. Walter tells her that the child's name is 'Trismegistus', but Susannah forgets the name and Yorick thought that she was trying to say "Tristram." Later his father asks Didius, church lawyer that if he can rename the child but the lawyer denied, and then they have to keep the name. Mr. Shandy wants to give the money, which he inherited as a legacy from Aunt Dinah to Bobby, his elder son for his Europe’s trip but then he receives news that Bobby is dead. His father, Walter was very stunned by Bobby’s death but then he became very conscious about Tristram’s education and he started writing Tristram-paedia in which he stated, how to teach his young child. But then he did not pay attention and ignore Tristram's education because he was busy in writing the book.

Later, Tristram had to face an accidental circumcision. After his circumcision, he was crying in pain while everyone was thinking what to do. Mr. Shandy was concerned about his education and was looking for a tutor. He asked Toby, and Toby suggested Le Fever's son, Billy. Tristram then tells the tale of Le Fever's death and how Toby became the guardian of Billy Le Fever. He then tells the story of Toby’s love affair with his neighbor, Widow Wadham.

Then Tristram begins his journey to Europe as he was concerned about his health. He traveled the whole France for his health reasons. When he was in Southern France he feels safe and was not feeling any need to run for death. He did not talk much about his trip but only tell the reader how he feels there and his dance with Nanette, village girl.

In last, Tristram tells the reader about the love of Widow Wadman for Toby Shandy when he stayed at her house for a few days and she falls in love with him, but Toby was unknown of her love. But when Toby came to know, he tried to win her and Walter helped him in this act, he tells him how to deal with ladies. When Toby and Trim arrive at Wadman's house, they had a little conversation. There Trim wins the heart of Widow's servant, Bridgett. Later, Toby came to know that she was worried about his groin injury and then Toby assured her that nothing has happened to him by letting her see and touch. But Toby became upset when he came to know that she is marrying him just to fulfill her sexual desire and not because of love. Then, he wants to talk to Walter, but Obadiah interrupted and complaint about Mr. Shandy's impotent bull.

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