True West Irony

True West Irony

Running Out

The mother comes home and watches as Austin begins to strangle the life out of Lee right in front of her eyes. Ironically, she doesn't try to stop them. She runs out of the house and let's them carry on killing each other.


Austin had the belief that he was going to be a well-regarded writer who brought real life to the page, and he was willing to endure to make it happen. Ironically, when Austin's story is dropped by Saul he begs Lee to take him into the desert. He's given up on making anything of himself.


Lee promises Austin that he will take him into the desert if he helps him to finish the screenplay that he must get to Saul in order to get his full payout. Austin begins the work, but ironically Lee admits to their mother that he won't take Austin to the desert because he isn't cut out for it. Austin trusted his brother, a man who he hasn't seen for years to come through.


Lee comes into the house as a man who is steeped with violence. Ironically, by the end of the play it is Austin who has become the most violent as he nearly chokes Lee to death before the lights cut to black in the final scene.


Austin tells Lee the story of how he went to Mexico to help his father heal from having his teeth pulled. He expects to have a time with him that will make them closer, but ironically all he does is listen to records and spit at him. And he doesn't want to spend time with him, instead he wants to drink and introduce him to his drinking buddies from all the bars he frequents.

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