True West Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

True West Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Desert

The desert is where Lee has come from and it is the place where the brother's father left for and has stayed. It represents a place where no growth can occur. It's barren and isolated. It is a place where Lee has chosen to live and where Austin wants to go as a symbol of having given up on his ability to make anything of himself in life.


Austin and Lee's mother is gone on a vacation to Alaska throughout the majority of the play. Her being on vacation while her two sons destroy her house and nearly kill each other is a symbol of her abandonment of them. And, her running out of them while Austin is choking Lee symbolizes her unwillingness to raise them as it is too much for her to handle.


Austin ends up stealing toaster from the neighbor's homes after getting drunk. It is a symbol that Austin no longer abides by the rules of society. If Lee doesn't have to play by them and he still gets a script deal, Austin is going to do the same. He's been a good boy for too long.

Father's Teeth

Austin tells the story of how he went to Mexico to help his father after their dad had all of his teeth pulled and was given false teeth. But his dad left his false teeth in a bag of chop suey in some bar on a highway, and they never found the teeth. The symbol of losing his teeth is that the father has given up his right to speak for himself, thus his ability to create any semblance of a life he has given away.

On a Bet

Saul has agreed to take on Lee's story after losing a bet to him on the golf course. In fact, he even ends his deal with Austin to make room for him to write his brother's story. The symbol is the frivolity of the Hollywood culture in that, nothing is serious to them. Austin seeks to make serious work, and Lee's story is based nowhere near reality, yet Saul takes it on because he lost a bet, not because it is great work.

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