True West Summary

True West Summary

Austin is at his mother's house 40 miles east of Los Angeles. He is house-sitting while she is away on vacation, and taking the opportunity to work on his screenplay. His older brother Lee arrives at the house and the two brothers haven't seen each other in years. Austin attempts to pacify the tension between he and his dominating brother. Austin suggests that Lee leave, and when he does Lee threatens to steal things from the neighbors homes during the night. This leads Austin to calling a truce with his brother in order to stop him from committing the crimes.

The next day Austin asks Lee to leave as he has a Hollywood producer coming over to look at his screenplay, which is a period piece. Lee only agress to leave by having Austin give him the keys to his car, which Austin does against his better judgement. Saul, the producer arrives and just as their meeting is underway Lee arrives back at home and hijacks the meeting. He and Saul agree to play golf the next day and Austin is excluded because he doesn't play. Lee pitches Saul a script idea and Saul likes it. Austin ends up being the one to begin to write the script after Saul leaves which leads to the jealousy the brothers have between each other to come to the surface. After asking numerous times for his keys back, Austin finally gets them from Lee and the first act ends with Austin typing Lee's story.

The second act begins with Lee returning from golf with Saul. Saul has promised him an advance for the story outline Austin helped to write for him. Lee tells Austin that he is going to have to write the screenplay for him which Austin is against because he has his own work. To which we learn that Austin's script idea has been dropped in favor of Lee's idea. Austin begins to come unraveled and threatens to go to the desert and leave Lee to write the script himself.

Saul comes by the house and Austin accuses him of choosing Lee's script idea over his because Saul lost a bet on the golf course to Lee. Saul offers to let Austin write both he and his brother's scripts to which Austin outright refuses. This causes Saul to drop Austin's script and find another writer for Lee's story. Lee and Saul make plans for lunch before the producer leaves.

Austin is found in the next scene drunk as Lee attempts to write his screenplay on the typewriter. He wants Austin's help but can't get it so, he joins Austin in drinking. They next day the two brothers are seen, Austin polishing the toasters he stole from neighbor's homes and Lee smashing away at the typewriter. Lee wants to call a woman for companionship, but Austin won't because he's married. This conversation leads Austin to ask Lee to take him to the desert which Lee won't do. But, Austin says he will write Lee's script if he takes him. So, they make an agreement and go to work.

The next day their mother arrives to her house that has been torn apart by the two men. To which Austin tells her that they are going to the desert. Lee says that he doesn't think that is going to work out because he doesn't believe Austin is cut out for the desert life. Austin attacks Lee and begins to strangle him and their mother runs out of the house leaving them to fight. Austin believes he's killed Lee and begins to let go of him. As he moves to the door, Lee comes to his feet and they square off as the lights cut to black.

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