United: Thoughts on Finding Common Ground and Advancing the Common Good Background

United: Thoughts on Finding Common Ground and Advancing the Common Good Background

Although Cory Booker is perhaps most famous for calling himself "Spartacus" on the Senate floor (referencing Stanley Kubrick's film of the same name). However, Booker is also a candidate for the Democrat Party for the 2020 election (against incumbent President Donald Trump). United serves as his 2020 campaign book (and secondarily, his memoir). Booker grew up in a New Jersey neighborhood. He ultimately lived the American Dream as he went to Stanford on a football scholarship and won -- and accepted -- the Rhodes scholarship to Oxford University. He later went to Yale to study law. He had a number of options in his life, but he ultimately went into public service (he was first elected as mayor of Newark, New Jersey and then won a Senate seat). The book does not simply detail his life; it details his policy prescriptions for fixing the country.

Upon release, United became a New York Times bestseller (indicating that Booker's work sold a fair amount of copies). The Huffington Post liked the book, writing that "What sets Senator Booker’s work apart from that of similar political books is that it seeks to elevate discourse rather than bring down opponents of the opposite partisan persuasion. This is a refreshing take, one that is truly worthy of study and contemplation.” PolitickerNJ called it "an exceedingly good book."

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