United: Thoughts on Finding Common Ground and Advancing the Common Good

United: Thoughts on Finding Common Ground and Advancing the Common Good Analysis

Cory Booker tells his personal stories and lessons he has learned especially in the life of politics. The book serves to introduce him to people especially those who might not know who he is and even never heard of his work. He responds to questions that anyone would have about his life especially for people who have been following his politics. The book paints a picture of someone who is flawed but overall a good man. Booker is appropriately critical of his own ego and shortcomings. He also accentuates his idealism showing how it could be a weakness at times but he ultimately points to how much he cares about people.

Booker was elected as the mayor of Newark, and for the seven years he was in office he improved investments and changed the image of the city to a more positive one. The remarkable people in his life were a source of inspiration for him. They helped him shape his civic vision as well as fueling his desire to serve and create opportunities for others. He would do this by handling the issues he cares about such as racial issues, violence, economic and environmental justice issues in society with a lot of depth.

The key value Booker emphasizes throughout this book is the need to work together in unity and not be divided by political parties or even if by race if we are to accomplish the common good. He draws on his personal experience and calls for the nation to orient its politics around the principles of compassion and solidarity. He encourages letting go of despair and instead start engaging with hope while in pursuit of our shared mission as we continue to embrace a common destiny.

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