United: Thoughts on Finding Common Ground and Advancing the Common Good Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

United: Thoughts on Finding Common Ground and Advancing the Common Good Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Symbol: The White House

For Booker, the White House is symbolic not only of American strength and patriotism, but also of something that a politician can aspire to.

Symbol: Barack Obama

Barack Obama is symbolic of hope and change and inspiration. After all, he was the first Black president of the United States.

Symbol: The Bald Eagle

The Bald Eagle is symbolic of America's strength, perseverance, ingenuity, and majestic qualities.

Motif: Working for the Working Class

Throughout the book, Booker often mentions how he wanted to work for the working class. This underscores Booker's commitment to helping those who work for a living.

Allegory: Booker's Life

In the book, Booker presents his life as an allegory of the best that America can be: a black man rises the ranks to first become Mayor of Newark and later a United States Senator from New Jersey.

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