What Pet Should I Get? Irony

What Pet Should I Get? Irony

The Irony of choice

The children have a great deal of choice about which pet they should choose, from dogs and cats, to some more imaginative choices. At first, this seems great as the children are thrilled to have so much to choose from; however, when it comes to actually choosing a pet this becomes more difficult, as their parents have told them they can only have one. As such, the children's large amount of choice ironically becomes draining for them as they can only choose one.

What pet should I get?

As readers, we are taken along on a journey with the children, seeing the various different animals they imagine. However, we ironically don't find out which one they choose in the end.

Imagination vs. superficiality

This story is about the importance of imagination and celebrates the innate creativity of children. However, despite its positivity, this story is also a warning about superficiality, as the children move very quickly from one animal to the next.

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