What Pet Should I Get? Quotes


"Then what do you know?
We saw two other kinds.
NOW how could Kay and I
make up our minds?"

The Children

This quote emphasizes how difficult it was for the children to pick just one animal, considering all the interesting options. This illustrates the theme of choice, as the children have to take responsibility and make a big decision.

"I took one fast look…
I saw a fine dog who shook hands.
So we shook.
So I said,
"I want him!"

The children

This quote shows how quickly the children change their minds as they see more and more animals. As the book goes on, the animal become more interesting, meaning that the children's heads are quickly turned.

"A fast kind of thing, who would fly round my head in a ring on a string."

The children

One of the children imagines a creature that would fly fast around their head on a string. This is an example of one of the whimsical creatures that the children imagine, revealing their strong creativity.

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