What Pet Should I Get? Summary

What Pet Should I Get? Summary

The story begins by introducing a young unnamed boy and his sister Kay as they decide on what pet they should get at the store. Their father agrees to buy only one pet for the two to share so they must be careful with their choice.

Kay and her brother struggle to choose which pets. They venture off from traditional pets like dogs and cats, towards more exotic pets, such as a bird that sings. However, Jay keeps insisting that “We have to pick ONE pet and pick it out soon”, highlighting a sense of urgency to their situation.

They then go off deciding what they would do if they had a big tent in which they could store all sorts of pets. They make up imaginary creatures, such as a Yent, that would live in their tent. However, they are unsure of how their father can afford the tent and let the idea go.

At the end, the two exhaust the list of animals on offer, and Jay and Kay make up their mind as to what pet they will get. The last image is of an undisclosed pet hiding in a big basket with only its eyes peeking out.

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