Wild (2014 Film) Imagery

Wild (2014 Film) Imagery


Cheryl's thoughts are created for the audience to see during her hike on the PCT. They are seen as flashbacks, but are exactly what Cheryl is thinking. The imagery evokes the understanding for the audience as to exactly what she is going through emotionally and processing along her journey. Thus we are able to emotionally be in the same place as her during the film.

Night Falls

Cheryl meets Frank as the sun begins to set. The scene grows darker until there is no light of day left. It gives the impression that something dangerous is about to happen. It sets up suspense as we aren't sure if Frank is going to assault Cheryl or not. He doesn't but the imagery makes us feel the tension.


Vallee uses a red fox throughout Cheryl's journey to follow her. The fox is a symbol of Cheryl's mother being with her on her journey. And when the fox leaves and goes back into nature as Cheryl crosses the Bridge of the Gods the image tells us that her mother can no longer be with her. It is Cheryl's time to live now.

The Killing

Vallee uses slashing cuts and a fast paced rhythm in order to set up the eventual death of Bobbi's horse at the hands of her son who shoots the horse in the head with a rifle. The imagery sets up the horror of the moment and how it pierces and stabs through Cheryl in her mind and body even to this day.

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