Another Day Background

Another Day Background

Another Day (2015) is the second novel in David Levithan's Every Day trilogy, which began with the novel Every Day in 2012. Levithan's novel is told from the perspective of a character named A, who has the ability to inhabit different people's minds and bodies every day. One day, while in one of the bodies of Justin, A comes across a young woman named Rhiannon (Justin's girlfriend), and the two quickly and rather unexpectedly fall in love with each other. On the day that A inhabits Justin's body, Justin becomes uncharacteristically kind and loving, shocking Rhiannon. The next day, Justin reverts to his old state, shocking her even more. One day, though, his behavior is explained: a stranger (another body that A has taken control of) comes up to her and tells her that Justin isn't really Justin. From body to body, the two begin a whirlwind romance, learning about each other and themselves along the way.

As with most of Levithan's other novels, Another Day received exceptionally positive reviews when it was published in 2015. It also very quickly became a New York Times bestseller, signaling its profound popularity. Kirkus Reviews wrote a glowing review of the novel, calling it "A fast-paced, absorbing companion [to Levithan's other novels]."

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