Another Day Quotes


“I find myself looking into people's eyes more than I ever did before. And I realize, that's where we stop being a certain gender or color. Just look right into the center of the eye.”


Rhiannon reflects on her experiences and emotions regarding her relationship with "A"—a genderless being that wakes up in a different body every day. She grapples with her feelings trying to come to terms with the complex nature of her connection with this being. Rhiannon's friends, Will and Preston, have a relationship that appears effortless to her, which contrasts with her complicated relationship. Despite being happy for her friends, she feels a sense of anger and frustration as "A" cannot join their circle due to their unique circumstances. She realizes that when she looks into people's eyes, she transcends superficial differences like gender and color. The eyes represent a deeper level of understanding beyond external appearances. She recognizes that "A" will always leave given their constantly changing identities.

“Most of the time when we think we're looking for death, we're really looking for love.”


In this quote, Rhiannon reflects on the dark thoughts she had before meeting her current boyfriend, Justin. She looks back at a time when she felt extremely isolated and emotionally distraught. During this period, she had contemplated thoughts of self-harm even though she knew she would not act on them. She had constructed elaborate fantasies of her funeral while yearning for someone to deeply mourn her loss. However, the arrival of Justin in her life changed her perspective. Justin gave her the love and emotional connection she desperately craved. He became the person she wanted to mourn her in the fantasy funeral hence offering her a sense of validation. Justin's presence in her life replaced her desire for death with a yearning for love and connection. It underscores the importance of genuine human connection in combating feelings of despair and hopelessness.

“Whatever we shared is gone, because it was destined to be gone from the minute it started.”


Rhiannon hopes to spend time with Justin as she anticipates that they might hang out on a Sunday. However, Justin is dealing with a hangover and is unavailable. This situation highlights their differing coping mechanisms and lifestyles. Justin often turns to drinking to escape and feel better temporarily even though he knows it has consequences the next day. Rhiannon, on the other hand, seeks connection and happiness without relying on substances. The quote signifies the recognition that what they share is fleeting and has an expiration date. As the day unfolds and Rhiannon is left with an empty day, she reflects on the sense of emptiness that comes from not being able to connect with Justin. The repetitiveness of mundane activities like watching TV emphasizes her longing for a meaningful connection. When she eventually calls Justin, they have a brief conversation where he admits that their interaction has lost its initial allure.

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