Another Day Literary Elements

Another Day Literary Elements


Young adult

Setting and Context

The novel is set in the present day, likely in the United States

Narrator and Point of View

The story's narrator is Rhiannon; it is told from her first-person perspective.

Tone and Mood

The tone is contemplative, introspective, and melancholic. The mood is bittersweet and emotional.

Protagonist and Antagonist

Rhiannon is the protagonist; A's condition is the antagonist.

Major Conflict

Rhiannon and A navigating their romance, despite the difficulties surrounding it.


When Rhiannon realizes that she can't continue her relationship with A because of their condition.


Rhiannon breaking up with A is foreshadowed quite early on in the novel.


The difficulty that A's condition has on Rhiannon is understated early on in the novel.


There are allusions to contemporary culture, including music and movies.


Rhiannon's descriptions of her days with and without A paints a clear image of her emotional state.


Rhiannon's love story with A is paradoxical: physical attraction and consistency are fundamental parts of love. However, A changes bodies each day.


Frequently, parallels are drawn between Rhiannon's love with A and her love with Justin.

Metonymy and Synecdoche

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

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