Why Cornell

Students in Arts and Sciences embrace the opportunity to delve into multifaceted academic interests, embodying in 21st century terms Ezra Cornell’s “any person…any study” founding vision. Tell us about the areas of study you are excited to explore, and specifically why you wish to pursue them in our College.

Angry Bohemian citizens throw their government officials out the window not once, not twice, but three times to protest rights violations. A future French Prime Minister escapes an enemy army besieging Paris by hot air balloon. A disgruntled Nepali prince guns down his royal family before dying by suicide. Such political drama may seem to come straight from the latest Hollywood blockbusters, but they really originate from our world’s rich and exciting history. This is why I have become so invested in studying History, which I hope to pursue further at Cornell’s College of Arts and Sciences. I am especially eager to explore how historical events shape countries’ modern-day political landscapes.

What attracts me most to Cornell’s History program is that its professors eschew rote memorization of historical events in favour of an Active Learning philosophy, based on collaboration, student inquiry, and fruitful discussions between students and with teachers.Cornell’s Department of History would allow me to have enriching back-and-forths with my professors every day. I could be contesting the Ottoman decline thesis in “Introduction to the Ottoman Empire” with Dr. Minawi one day and discussing whether the French Revolution was a...

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