Blade Runner 2049 Background

Blade Runner 2049 Background

Decades after the original Blade Runner, director Denis Villeneuve brought back the popular franchise with the release of Blade Runner 2049, in 2017. This film is set thirty years after the original and serves as a sequel to the landmark film. Ridley Scott, the director of the original film, made a reappearance as executive producer on this film.

Ryan Gosling plays a character called K, who is a Nexus-9 replicant blade runner. Ana de Armas, Robin Wright and Jared Leto also make an appearance, alongside Harrison Ford and Edward James Olmos, who play their original roles from the 1982 film. Due to the huge Blade Runner fan base, this film had a lot to live up to, but was generally praised by critics. However, the film did not do well in the box office.

The film received five Academy Award nominations and won Best Cinematography and Best Visual Effects. This makes sense, as the film has been applauded by many for its astonishing visuals, and its innovation whilst also remaining true to the beloved original film.

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