Blade Runner 2049 Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What's the irony of Wallace being blind?

    Wallace is an industrialist who is head of a company that creates replicants. He is in many ways a visionary as he seeks to populate other worlds. The irony is that he is blind. He has the ability for vision but is unable to see what is right in front of him, therefore only what he imagines within him is what he seeks. And without knowing what is before him, it makes him dangerous as he only seeks to create the world he envisions.

  2. 2

    Why does K believe he is Rachael's son?

    K has a memory that is vivid which he believes to be his own about his life with his mother, Rachael from his childhood. We discover that it is not his memory, and he believed it was his because it was implanted by Dr. Stelline, Rachael and Deckard's daughter, who designed K's memories from her own.

  3. 3

    What does Wallace offer Deckard in exchange for his knowledge of replicant reproduction?

    Deckard has been brought before Wallace because he and Rachael were able to reproduce a child while being replicants. In order to harvest all of the knowledge he can from Deckard, Wallace offers him a clone of Rachael. This is a living breathing reality of the love of his life - yet Deckard rejects this clone and Wallace immediately has it destroyed.

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