Born in Flames Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What happens to Adelaide?

    Adelaide has become the leader of the Women's Army, and she has joined forces with the leader from overseas in order to teach her their philosophies and train her. But when Adelaide arrives back into New York she is detained and sent to prison where it is said that she committed suicide by hanging herself. However, the Women's Army believes that she was killed by the government in order to stop the movement, when all that happens is further instigation.

  2. 2

    What is the Liberation that occurred 10 years previously?

    The United States was liberated by a revolution which changed the state of the government to a socialist democracy. This simply means that jobs would be created for all and minority groups, including women and gay rights organizations, would be taken care of as well. Still, the reality of the government is that they are only a socialist democracy in name. Women are being fired in droves and their rights aren't being supported. Thus, the reason the Women's Army rises up to fight for their rights.

  3. 3

    Why does Isabel join Honey in the end?

    Isabel runs Radio Ragazza, a more radical station, while Honey runs Phoenix Radio and she is far more soft spoken. Isabel doesn't want to join forces with Honey nor the Women's Army as she believes they are all rhetoric. In the end, she joins Honey because both radio stations have been burned down and now she must join them in order to have any strength moving forward.

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