Citizenfour Cast List

Citizenfour Cast List

Edward Snowden

Edward Snowden is a former employee of the NSA and CIA. He's most well known for disclosing classified files from the National Security Agency to the world through WikiLeaks. Born in North Carolina, he now lives with his partner Lindsay Mills in asylum in Russia as the United States continues to desire extradition for him to be prosecuted by the American Government legal system.

Glenn Greenwald

Glenn Greenwald is an American journalist most well known for breaking the NSA spying scandal involving classified documents from Edward Snowden. He's published three books, How Would a Patriot Act?, A Tragic Legacy and No Place to Hide. He began his professional career as a constitutional attorney. He now edits and writes for The Intercept which he created with Laura Poitras (director of Citizenfour).

Ewen McAskill

Ewen McAskill worked with Glenn Greenwald at the UK newspaper The Guardian and was a key journalist who helped to break the NSA spying scandal when Edward Snowden undertook a series of interviews with him, Greenwald, and Laura Poitras in 2013. The Guardian and The Washington Post earned the Pulitzer Prize for Public Service in 2014 for their supporting of McAskill and Greenwald's work through publishing.

William Binney

William Binney is a former NSA official who eventually became a whistleblower after serving the U.S. intelligence community for over thirty years. He quit his job due to his witnessing the illegal spying happening within the NSA, in particular after September 11, 2001 as the agency expanded their capabilities to spy on potential terrorist threats to spying on private citizens and collecting data in any and all ways.

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