Citizenfour Irony

Citizenfour Irony


Walter Binney served the NSA for over 30 years faithfully. Ironically, a special task force raids his location with guns drawn as he has become a whistleblower exposing the truth of the NSA illegally spying on citizens.

Presidential Policy Directive 20

The NSA officials tell the public that they lack a policy framework for cyber watching. Ironically, the policy currently exists as they deny it to the public. It's called Presidential Policy Directive 20.


Poitras believes that Citizenfour has chosen her specifically for this project. However, ironically, he says that she selected herself as she has been subject to detention by the U.S. intelligence agencies for making a film on the Iraq War. She's experienced the harassment Snowden seeks to stop.

Keith Alexander

The NSA Director says that the agency has not been intercepting any online communications of U.S. citizens. Ironically, this is after Snowden has already said that the NSA has been doing it for years.


Snowden is hyper paranoid about protecting himself from the NSA finding him. Ironically, he forgets to unplug the phone in his hotel room which he knows has a computer chip in it that will allow the NSA to listen in to the room.

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