Citizenfour Quotes


“Assume your adversary is capable of one trillion guesses per second.”

Edward Snowden

Snowden is explaining the sensitivity of what specialists like him are doing to the reporters and filmmakers in the room with him. They must keep strong passwords in order to have a chance of protecting themselves as threat work to release the NSA documents.

“You asked why I picked you. I didn't. You did.”

Edward Snowden

Snowden says this in a message to film director, Laura Poitras. He is working with her to create this documentary because she has been detained by US government agencies due to their use of spying on her after she made a film on the Iraq War.

“I don't know why they came with their guns drawn.”

William Binney

Former NSA employee William Binney explains how he was taken into custody by the government, whose representatives forcibly entered with guns drawn on him. He is a whistleblower who knows the government has been spying on its own people and the people of the world for decades.

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