Dennis Scott: Poems Characters

Dennis Scott: Poems Character List


The narrator in the poem "The never ending blame game’’ addresses an unknown "you’’ who apparently blamed the narrator for his or her problems. The narrator is angry and asks the person in question to stop blaming him.

Those who can’t take responsibility

This group of people appears in the poem "The never ending game’’ and is harshly criticized by the poet. He also lets it be understood that it is possible for everyone to get into contact with such a person at one point in our lives.

The narrator in "The never ending blame game’’

The narrator in this poem is someone who is angry at the people who refuse to admit they were wrong and who chose to blame others for their problems. He uses a foul language in the poem as a way of expressing his dissatisfaction with those people.

The narrator

The narrator in the poem "Uncle Time’’ is a young boy who is related to Uncle Time. He is a young boy who likes to play in the streets and who is aware of the cruelness of his uncle.

Uncle Time

Uncle Time is the major character in the poem "Uncle Time’’. He is an old man who spends his time on the beach, with his feet in the water. Uncle Time is presented as a cruel person who is dangerous to everyone. His major goal in life is to catch everyone in his web and keep them captive.

The young girl

The young girl is another character in the poem "Uncle Time’’. she is a small child in the beginning but overnight she ages drastically and becomes old and shriveled. She is used here as a symbol for the passing of time.

The man

The man in the poem "Marrysong’’ is presented as being someone depending on the love offered by an unnamed woman. The man stays by the woman’s side because she represents something new and exciting and because she can make him feel alive.

The woman

The woman in the poem "Marrysong’’ is a person who is not stable, who makes the man cater to her every whim while also never giving him any hope about a future together. Despite this, the man still insists on staying near the woman because she gives him the opportunity to live an existing life.

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