Dennis Scott: Poems Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is the narrator’s attitude towards those who refuse to accept responsibility for their actions?

    The narrator criticized those people in the poem entitled "The never ending blame game’’. The poem starts in a very light hearted way but as it progresses the language used becomes violent and it becomes clear that the narrator does not approve of those actions. While the narrator never expresses clearly his feelings, he transmits his rage through his poem and distinguishes it in such a way it becomes hard to really understand what he meat and what he wanted to transmit.

  2. 2

    Why is the main character in the poem "Uncle Time’’ portrayed as sitting on a beach?

    The initial imagery described in the poem is important because it is filled with symbolism. The narrator describes an old man, Time, sitting on a beach and looking at the sea. He survives by eating coconuts and his feet are always in the water. The sea is used in many pieces of literature as a symbol for hardship. Thus, by having his feet in the water, the narrator suggests that life is more than often hard. The coconut, with its hard shell, can also be considered as being a symbol for the hardships a person has to endure during his or her life. Thus, by invoking this image, the narrator transmits the idea that life can be at times difficult.

  3. 3

    Why did the man chose to stay by his lover’s side in the poem "Marrysong’’ even if it is clear she did not loved him?

    The reason why the man chose by her side is because he loved the new things she brought in his life. Even though the woman gave him no affection, she made him feel alive because she was exiting and kept him wondering about her intentions and about her feelings all the time. Because of these reasons, the man decided to stay by the woman’s side even though he was suffering and may have wanted more from her.

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