Dennis Scott: Poems Quotes


"Why as I am reading this am I constantly coming across these

empty hearted accusations ranging from sex greed and other materialistic things’’

The narrator, The never ending blame game

In the poem mentioned above, the narrator mentions how some like to blame everything and anyone for their problems. The narrator notes how those people refuse to take responsibility for their own actions and expresses his frustration towards those people. The quote from above mentions some of the things many like to blame for their problems and the fact that they are frequently found is suggested by the narrator in the first part of the quote. This quote also transmits the feeling of exasperation the narrator experiences as he sees those things happening around him.

"Watch how 'm spin web roun' yu house, an creep

inside; an when 'im touch yu, weep…’’

Time, ‘’Uncle Time’’

In the poem "Uncle Time’’, the passing of time is presented and described as an old man by the beach who eventually catches everyone. Uncle Time gradually gets closer to the house where the narrator lives and wraps its webs around the house. Time then creeps into the house where he touches everyone. Once a person is touched, he or she begins to cry and be sad because they know their time is near. This quote is important because it shows how we often like to think we are safe from the passage of time but how more than often we are closer to the end than we know. When we do realize just how much time has passed, it is often too late and there is nothing we can do.

"So he accepted that geography, constantly strange.


The narrator, ‘’Marrysong’’

The quote from above summarizes the poem "Marrysong’’ and presents the reason why the narrator chose to remain by the woman he loved even though she did not care about him. The man is attracted by the woman because she is new and exciting. She is able to make him feel things he never did until then and is capable of making him feel alive. Because of this, the man refuses to leave the woman for the simple fact she represents something wonderful to him.

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