Dennis Scott: Poems Themes

Dennis Scott: Poems Themes

The passing of time

The poem "Uncle Time’’ focuses on the passing of time and this is also the main theme in the poem. Time is presented as an old man, an uncle to mankind who sits by the sea and waits and looks at everyone. The rest of the world lives as if he does not exist but Time makes it clear that no one can escape him, no matter how hard they try. Time becomes more threatening towards the end of the poem when he transforms into a spider, threatening to cause damage to everyone. No one is safe and he enters every house and touches everyone. Time is presented thus in a ruthless manner, capable of inflicting pain and killing everyone. The narrator does not blame only time but rather also the humans who refuse to acknowledge the passing of time and thus ignore it until it is too late and there is nothing they can do anymore to better their lives.

The tendency to blame others

The major theme in the poem "The never ending blame game’’ is how, we as humans have the tendency to blame others for our problems and for our own wrongdoings. The narrator mentions how common it is the practice and even offers a guide to help his readers play the blaming game. The narrator is against these practices and he lets the reader understand just how against he is these practices. He criticized those people and tries to convince them to accept responsibility for their own actions, even cursing at them in an attempt to make then understand just how damaging the practice really is.

The need for something new

The major theme in the poem "Marrysong’’ is the way love is fueled by the need to experiment something new. The man n the poem is completely in love with the woman but the woman does not manifest the same interest. Her love is fleeting and the man does not feel any type of stability. What makes him stay near the girl is his need to experience new things and the woman is capable of offering this to the man since she is unpredictable. Thus, the poem shows that not only emotions make two people stay together but the new to experience something new may have something to do with it as well.

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