Fanny Hill Characters

Fanny Hill Character List

Frances Hill

Frances Hill is the protagonist of the novel; it is on her behalf that the story is told. Being only fifteen years old Frances has lost both her parents to a bad illness and that’s why was forced to live on all by herself. She went to London where she, under the pretext of good intentions, was enticed into one brothel, where the hostess of this brothel wanted to sell her virginity. Fortunately, Frances met there a young gentleman who became the love of her life and she ran away with him. But their happiness was not very long, and she had to earn money somehow. She became a woman for pleasure. Being directed by a very wise woman, in whose brothel she finally found herself – Mrs. Cole, Frances managed to accumulate enough money and knowledge to become an independent woman. The very last gentle, who she “made happy” left all his money to her, so she became even richer. In the very end of her story, Fanny finally met Charles, the love of her life. She lived happily in the marriage with him.

Esther Davis

Esther is a woman who persuaded Fanny to leave for London where she might find a good place as a governess or a maid. Esther was very pleasant to Funny at first, but as soon as they reached London Esther became cold to the poor young girl and left Fanny alone in some inn.

Mrs. Brown

Mrs. Brown is the hostess of the first brothel where Fanny was enticed. She met Fanny in the employment agency where she was hunting girls like Fanny. Mrs. Brown said that she was looking for a companion and hired Fanny for this purpose, only later Fanny understood what the place it was.

Phoebe Ayres

Phoebe worked in Mrs. Brown’s brothel. Her duties were to “teach” girls all the tricks of the profession. Phoebe spared no means to wake up the woman in Fanny so that the girl would not be afraid to meet her first client.


Charles is a young gentleman of eighteen years old, who fell in love with Fanny when saw her in Mrs. Brown’s brothel. He persuaded her to run away with him. it is Charles who made Fanny a woman, became her first lover and the love of her life. they lived happily almost a year, but Charles’s father sent his son to Canada to run one of his farms, so Fanny and Charles were parted by force. But in the very end they finally reunited and lived together happily.

Mrs. Jones

Mrs. Jones was the landlady of the house where Charles rented rooms for Fanny. Mrs. Jones was a cold and self-seeking person, she was interested only in money and personal profit.

Mr. H....

Mr. H… was a gentleman who became Fanny’s first client, and whose kept woman she became. She even became attracted to him, but only for satisfying physical needs, she never loved anyone but Charles. Mr. H… was generous to Fanny and was crazy about her, but once Fanny witnessed a scene where he took her made by force, and after that she wanted revenge. After discovering Fanny’s betrayal he left her.


Will is a young village boy who Fanny used as a weapon of her revenge concerning Mr. H… She seduced Will and became his first woman. When Mr. H… found out about their affair Will was sent back to the village and Fanny never saw him.

Mrs. Cole

Mrs. Cole was a hostess of the brothel where Fanny received required “education” of her profession. Mrs. Cole was a very wise woman and instructed her girls carefully, and Fanny was the most sensible pupil.

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