Fanny Hill Metaphors and Similes

Fanny Hill Metaphors and Similes

Cage (metaphor)

Fanny refers to her stay in tMrs. Brown’s brothel as similar to the captivity of a bird in the cage. Surely she was not treated badly, or kept by force, but at the same time the truth of the mistress’s intentions concerning her was not revealed to Fanny as well. They all there did everything possible “so as to make me pleased with my cage, and blind to the wires”. Ut even good treatment did not hide that Mrs. Brown was a “Harpy”, and Fanny was in her “clutches”.

Male genitals (metaphor)

In the narration, the author never calls male’s sexual organs by their direct name. Such metaphors as “red-headed champion” or “staring truncheon rooted into a thicket of curls” are used to refer to male genitals.

Hen (Simile)

As time passed, the girls in Mrs. Cole’s brothel left and “these desertions had, however, now so far thinned Mrs. Cole's cluck that she was left with only me, like a hen with one chicken”. Mrs. Cole continued instructing and directing her “the only left chicken”, which contributed greatly to Fanny’s formation of individuality.

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