Fanny Hill Irony

Fanny Hill Irony

Exemplary Mother

Mrs. Jones, the landlady of the house where Charles rented Fanny an apartment, was a vile woman. The very first information given of her is that she had a daughter “at the age of seventeen, who she sold, for not a very considerable sum neither, to a gentleman who was going on envoy abroad, and took his purchase with him”. Such an attitude to her own daughter shows how mean and greedy she was, as even after, when her daughter broke up any relationship with her “this gave her no further uneasiness, then, as she thereby lost a handle of squeezing pre-presents, or other after-advantages, out of the bargain.”

Money as the answer for everything

Fanny during her life in London has changed many rooms and apartments, and when it came to provide some personal information the truth was never said. Men who paid for Fanny introduced her as a relative, but surely all the landladies and landlords knew how the matter really was. But as soon as “the rent was paid, every thing else was as easy and commodious as one could desire.” Money ruled everywhere: it is treated as the greatest means of life, which is proof of the example.

Losing virginity

Mrs. Cole has found a perfect client to sell Fanny’s virginity to, and he paid even more than was wished, as was simply captured by young and beautiful girl. But the thing was that Fanny was not a virgin, so the scene of “losing virginity” was skillfully played by her under strict and wise instructions of Mrs. Cole. Masterfully played role brought Fanny and her mistress considerable income and amused them both at the same time.


Being yet young, and sometimes captured by irresistible physical desire Fanny had some sexual “adventures”, as she called them. One of this was her spontaneous “act” with a sailor she met in the street. He brought her to some dirty inn where there was no even a bed so they had to use a chair for accomplishing the goal. He bent her over and tried to get to her from the back. Fanny started “feeling pretty sensibly that it was not going by the right door and knocking desperately at the wrong one, I told him of it: "Pooh," says he "my dear, any port in a storm." Such a comic situation shows that life of a woman for pleasure is full with different extraordinary occurrences.

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