Foxy Brown Characters

Foxy Brown Character List

Foxy Brown

Foxy is appropriately names; she is sexy, foxy and fierce. The protagonist of the movie, she is also a very different kind of heroine, and a very different kind of strong, strident woman who is not about to let men walk all over her. In fact, Foxy is the first movie heroine to act exactly like the male characters in a story do. She is vengeful and unafraid. Foxy also feels as though she has nothing to lose; she wants to avenge the murder of her boyfriend and needs to put herself in danger in order to do so. If she is frightened at all, it is never shown. Foxy is comfortable crossing the line and refuses to be diminished in any way by anything that happens to her. She does not crumple after her rape, but stays calm and overpowers the guards who watched her rape.

Foxy is not afraid to engage in criminal activities; she doesn't judge women who are sex workers, because she sees this as an economic need rather than an indictment of their character. She knows what she has to do and she is not going to let her gender prevent her doing it.

Miss Kathryn

Miss Kathryn is the criminal mastermind behind the "modeling agency " that is a well-organized, well-oiled sex worker production line. She exploits women and sees nothing wrong with that. She preys on the women who have no choices other than prostitution. At the start of the film is seems as though Miss Kathryn is the sidekick to Elias, her boyfriend, but we come to realize that she is actually the one in charge. She is utterly ruthless and doesn't value human life. When someone gets in her way she gets rid of them. She wants Foxy dead and has her kidnapped with the intent of having either her "henchmen" or her boyfriend kill her.

Steve Elias

At first we think of Elias as the gang boss, the criminal mastermind or the man running the show, but in fact he is somewhat of a sidekick to his girlfriend Kathryn. He overseas the prostitution ring and is also the chief fixer, getting rid of anyone who might threaten their operations. He is behind the murder of Foxy's boyfriend.

Lincoln Brown

Known as "Link", Brown is Foxy's brother, and both protective and loyal. When he refuses to tell Elias where his sister is, Link is killed. He also ratted out Elias which is why his life is in danger in the first place. He is too close to law enforcement for the syndicate's liking.

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