Foxy Brown Quotes


"Ooh you son of a bitch, you just had to tell them, didn't you?"

Foxy Brown

Foxy yells this at her brother Link as she busts down his door and shoots at him. Link is the one who ratted out her boyfriend and caused his death.

"And why not? It could be your brother too, or your sister, or your children. I want justice for all of them. And I want justice for all the people whose lives are bought and sold, so that a few big shots can climb up on their backs, and laugh at the law, and laugh at human decency. But most of all, I want justice for a man, this man had love in his heart, and he died because he went out of his neighborhood to do what he thought was right."

Foxy Brown

Foxy tells Dawes that she wants justice for all the people whose lives are being ruined by the few in power who seek to keep their grips on society. She wants justice for the people, like her boyfriend, who were murdered for doing what is right.

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