Foxy Brown Summary

Foxy Brown Summary

Foxy Brown (Pam Grier) sees her life change when her boyfriend, who works for the government, is murdered on her doorstep by members of a local drug syndicate. Unlike many women in her position, Foxy doesn't disintegrate emotionally, but instead sets about seeking revenge. She discovers that there is a link between her boyfriend's murder and a prostitution ring run by big-time pimp Steve Elias (Peter Brown) and Mis Kathryn (Kathryn Loder). The "modelling agency" is protected because their clients are local judges, police and politicians. Nobody wants to get found out, so the ring continues undisturbed by law enforcement. Foxy decides to infiltrate the ring by posing as a prostitute. In doing so she tries to divert other women from a life of drug dependency and sexual exploitation. She befriends one woman in particular and manages to reunite her with her husband and child. Unfortunately, soon after Foxy manages to get in with the prostitution ring, Elias finds out that her brother is Link Brown, the man who exposed the gang as the people who murdered her boyfriend.

Before Foxy is able to get away, Miss Kathryn threatens to have her killed but at the last minute decides to keep her alive, because she will make them a lot of money as a sex worker. They give her heroin then send her to a drug manufacturing factory, which looks to all intents and purposes like a farm. Two of Miss Kathryn's fixers go with her, and when Foxy wakes up and tries to escape but one of the men catches her using a whip and drags her to the bedroom. He ties her to the bed. The men give her another shot of heroin. The drug dealer present eyes her avariciously and whilst she is in a stupor, and tied to the bed he rapes her.

Later Foxy uses a razor to free herself from the rope shackles. She sets fire to the farmhouse and runs. Miss Kathryn orders Elias to kill Foxy, but he doesn't know where she is, so he tries to strong-arm information out of her brother. No information is forthcoming so Elias kills him and his girlfriend.

Foxy goes to her friends in the Black Panther movement for help. They kidnap Elias and cut off his genitals, putting them in a jar which Foxy takes to Miss Kathryn at her house. Foxy kills two guards and shoots Miss Kathryn in the arm. Foxy wants her to suffer like she made her suffer; death would be too kind and too easy.

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