Foxy Brown Literary Elements

Foxy Brown Literary Elements


Jack Hill

Leading Actors/Actresses

Pam Brown, Antonio Fargas

Supporting Actors/Actresses

Peter Brown, Terry Carter, Kathryn Loder


Action, thriller




The film has not received any awards.

Date of Release

5 April 1974


Buzz Feitshans

Setting and Context

The action takes place in the 70s in America.

Narrator and Point of View

The story in the film is told from the perspective of a third-person objective point of view.

Tone and Mood

Violent, racist, depressing

Protagonist and Antagonist

The protagonist is Foxy Brown and the antagonist is Miss Kathryn.

Major Conflict

The major conflict is between Foxy Brown and the drug syndicate run by Steve. The reason why Foxy Brown wants to take down the drug syndicate is because they killed her boyfriend.


The film reaches its climax when Steve’s genitals are cut off and when Miss Kathryn is shot.


The fact that Foxy Brown will be raped is foreshadowed in the beginning of the film when Foxy decides to infiltrate a prostitution ring.


An understatement appears when Bobbie tells Foxy about her black belt, implying that she will beat her. This does not happen however, and Roxy ends up beating Bobbie with a chair instead.

Innovations in Filming or Lighting or Camera Techniques

No innovations can be found.




A paradoxical idea is that the black people in the film continued to try and better their situation in society even when they knew that it was unlikely they will make it because they are black people.


A parallel is drawn between Foxy and her brother Link to show the paths that a person can take in life. While Foxy had a nice life, obeying the law and trying to make something of herself, her brother became involved in illegal activities, which eventually influenced both his life and his sister’s life in a negative way.

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