Teacher Guide

The Analects of Confucius Lesson Plan

Relationship to Other Books

Texts that are contemporarily related to the Analects include The Book of Songs, to which Confucius himself often refers in the Analects; The Wujing ("Five Classics) which are described by Encyclopedia Britannica as "a concrete manifestation of the coming of age of the Confucian tradition" and include the Shu Ching, or Shujing ("Classic of History"), the Shijing ("Classic of Poetry"), the Liji, ("Record of Rites"), the Yijing ("Classic of Changes"), and Chungju ("Spring and Autumn [Annals]"); any other texts from the Chou (or Zhou) or Spring and Autumn periods or prior. Also worth exploring are Plato's Socratic dialogues, to which the Analects have been compared.

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