The Ballad of the Sad Cafe Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is the irony of Miss Amelia’s wealth?

    At the beginning of the story, Miss Amelia is introduced as the only person who owns the most prominent house in town. Later, Amelia starts the most successful café business in town, and everyone knows that she is a hard-working woman. Ironically, Miss Amelia acquired all the riches from her husband after betraying him and sending him behind bars. Amelia was not married to her husband because of love but because of his wealth. Later, when Marvin came out of prison, he ensured revenge, and he destroyed Amelia's life as well.

  2. 2

    What is the imagery of the small town where Amelia set up a café?

    The Sad café is set up in a dull town, which trickles with a sense of anxiety. The author describes the town as small and deserted. The only rich person around is Miss Amelia. When Amelia sets up the Sad Café, the town slowly starts getting back to life because many people spend their time eating and chatting. The town's description paints a picture of how it looks to the reader, thus depicting the sense of sight.

  3. 3

    How does the issue of vengeance emerge in the book ‘The Ballard of the Sad Café’?

    McCullers reveals that most people do not let go when wronged because they will do everything to revenge. Miss Amelia betrayed her husband, and she ensured that he was sent to prison. All the days Mr. Marvin spends in jail, he continues to scheme how he will avenge as soon as he is released. After many years, Marvin is released from prison, and he goes home directly with a plan to destroy Amelia. Marvin quickly learns that Amelia is running a successful café in town alongside Lymon. Marvin starts by swaying Lymon and stealing all items from the café to ensure that it collapses. After that, he proceeds to make Amelia's life miserable.

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