The Ballad of the Sad Cafe Quotes


First of all, love is a joint experience between two persons — but the fact that it is a joint experience does not mean that it is a similar experience to the two people involved


Indeed, the fact that there have to be two people in love doesn’t mean that both of them are actually in love. There are the lover and the beloved, and the last one may not even know about the feelings of the first one. In case with Amelia and Marvin Macy, it was Marvin who played the role of lover and Amelia was just beloved who didn’t care of feelings of her partner. But when Amelia met Cousin Lymon, it was she who took a part of miserable lover and the hunchback was a beloved one. Life played a bitter joke with her. The lover is the one who suffers, who gives feeling, who doesn’t sleep at night thinking of the object of his/ her love. He feels in his soul that love is a solitary thing, he becomes lonely and frustrated. But the beloved has another characteristic. It may be a treacherous, greasy-headed and given to evil habits person. But also it may be vice versa, and the most mediocre person may become the object of wild and extravagant love. It is up to a lover to choose the object of his passion.

Therefore, the value and quality of any love is determined solely by the lover himself. It is for this reason that most of us would rather love than be loved


Marvin Macy loved Miss Amelia and this love made him happy, but the young woman didn’t know what love was. That is why she was happy to rid of her annoying husband and live on her own. Even the fact that she ruined his love and he changed into a “monster” again didn’t bother her at all. Although some people will disagree with this statement, most of us still prefer to love rather than to be loved. Because the lover is one who decides everything, the lover is in chief of relationship, because he has feelings, he loves. Beloved person fears and hates the lover because he is morally stronger. The lover craves every possible relation with the beloved, even if can bring him only pain and frustration. He doesn’t afraid to be abused, and this irritates the beloved.

But the hearts of small children are delicate organs. A cruel beginning in this world can twist them into curious shapes. The heart of a hurt child can shrink so that forever afterward it is hard and pitted as the seed of a peach


If children feel that nobody loves them, they try to protect them by themselves. Then they become introvert, evil, irritated and violent. Their hearts don’t know that is love and how to love, and sometimes (so the theory goes) such children grow up and became murders, robbers and violent criminals. Marvin Macy can serve as an example of such a child. He was an unwanted children, as six other his brothers, parents didn’t love him and he was beaten when he cried, so he tried to hide somewhere from his parents and the violence he saw every day. But even the adoption didn’t save him, although Mrs. Mary Hale was a good person, and treated him well, his heard has already turned into stone, and only love could set it free.

People are never so free with themselves and so recklessly glad as when there is some possibility of commotion or calamity ahead


The little hunchback was a great mischief maker. He liked to quarrel with people and watch them fighting or abusing each other, and everybody in the town knew it. He nosed around everywhere, knew the intimate business of everybody, and trespassed every waking hour. Yet, in spite of this it was the hunchback who was most responsible for the great popularity of the café. When he walked into the room there was always a quick feeling of tension. So when the hunchback marched into the café everyone looked around at him and there was a quick outburst of talking and a drawing of corks. There are such people as the hunchback – people who like scandals, rumors and lie, because it brings them pleasure. The hunchback professionally manipulated other people in the café and they knew it, moreover, they were even glad because they knew that if the hunchback came, something interesting and “fascinating” is going to happen.

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