The Ballad of the Sad Cafe Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Ballad of the Sad Cafe Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Acorn (Symbol)

Cousin Lymon couldn’t understand why the acorn Miss Amelia kept in her place was so special for her. She told him that she has found it the same day when her father dead. For the woman this acorn symbolized the soul of his father, or just a memory of him, because his death was a great lost for her and she wanted to have a thing which will remind of him.

The Café (Symbol)

The little town came to life when Miss Amelia and Cousin Lymon opened the café. It became the symbol of their town – a place, which had its specific spirit, where everyone felt good and safe. And, when it was closed after Miss Amelia had lost the fight with Marvin Macy, the town became “dreary” again – there were no place to go and nothing interesting to see there.

Love (Motif)

Love changes people – this is the main idea of the story. It was love to Amelia that made a good, religious and well-behaved man out of violent and brutal Marvin Macy. It was love to the hunchback that completely changed Miss Amelia’s life and made her happy. Love is the strongest feeling in the world and it can change and changes people.

Revenge (Motif)

Marvin Macy loved Miss Amelia, but she didn’t love him in return. He has completely changed for her, he has left her all his money and property and what was her gratitude? She made him suffer and ruined his life. He promised that he would get equal with her and he actually got. He took her love away, and ruined her café. He destroyed her life as she once had destroyed his, and his revenge was thus fulfilled.

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