Teacher Guide

The Chocolate War Lesson Plan

Relationship to Other Books

Consider other works by Cormier, such as Beyond the Chocolate War (the sequel to The Chocolate War), I Am the Cheese, The Bumblebee Flies Anyway, and Tenderness.

Consider other works of YA fiction that deal with similar topics and themes, such as A Separate Peace by John Knowles, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie, and The Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger.

Consider nonfiction works that relate to the theme of bullying in The Chocolate War, such as Bullying: Deal With It Before Push Comes to Shove by Elaine Slavens and Dear Bully: Seventy Authors Tell Their Stories, edited by Carrie Jones and Megan Kelley Hall.

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