The Dark Knight Rises Irony

The Dark Knight Rises Irony

The Truth

Commissioner Gordon must speak about Dent to confirm that because of his sacrifice the streets of Gotham are safer. Ironically, Gordon has been hiding the fact that Dent was a murderer and tried to kill Gordon's son. But Gordon keeps quiet for the betterment of the city.

Little Old Me

Selina tells Bruce Wayne that she wouldn't hurt a cripple. Ironically, moments later Selina kicks Wayne's crutch out from underneath him causing him to fall to the floor. This allows her to get away with Bruce's mother's pearls.

Why Are You Here?

One of Bane's men brings Gordon to him in the sewers. Bane asks why he is here, and the man presumes to think that Bane is speaking to Gordon. Ironically, Bane is asking his man and shoots him for bringing a cop into their HQ.

Miranda Tate

Miranda Tate is given control of Wayne Enterprises after Bruce Wayne is voted out in order to control the nuclear device in possession of the corporation. Ironically, she is the leader of Bane and his mercenaries as she is Ra's Al Ghul's daughter and seeks to destroy Gotham City.

To Bane

Batman asks Selina to take him to Bane in order to stop him. Ironically, Selina takes him to Bane, but betrays him as she leaves him for Bane to destroy rather than helping him to take down Bane and his men.

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