The Dark Knight Rises Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Dark Knight Rises Symbols, Allegory and Motifs


The cops go into the sewer to chase after Bane's men. The sewer system is a place that is forgotten about, but it becomes a symbol of the danger that lies just feet beneath the citizens of Gotham as Bane and his men are building an army beneath them to take over the city.

Dent Letter

When Gordon is taken hostage by Bane's men, Bane finds the letter that he had written regarding the truth about Harvey Dent. The letter becomes leverage for Bane to allow the inmates of Gotham prison to be set free and for the people to turn against all those who lied to keep the criminals behind bars.

Clean Slate

Selina wants a tool that will allow her to wipe her slate clean from Dagget in exchange for her stealing Bruce Wayne's fingerprints. The "clean slate" tool becomes the downfall of journey as she's willing to betray anyone in order to get her version of freedom for it. But Dagget doesn't have the tool and uses the potential for the technology as leverage to get what he needs from Selina.

Bane's Hand

Dagget is confronted by Bane as their business arrangement comes to an end. Bane simply lays his hand on Dagget's shoulder and it is a symbol of his physical power over the man. The power that he uses to kill him moments later.

Lights Out

Miranda meets Bruce at his home and they kiss for the first time. As soon as they do the lights go out in his home. The symbol is of Miranda's pending betrayal as she is the child of Ra's Al Ghul and is the one seeking to destroy Gotham.

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