The Gold Rush Characters

The Gold Rush Character List

The Lone Prospector

The Lone Prospector is one of thousands of people that sought riches in Alaska from the gold in its mountains. He finds himself connected to Big Jim McKay during a snow storm in a cabin. This relationship is what eventually leads him to becoming a multi-millionare as McKay uses him to find his Mountain of Gold. The Lone Prospector falls in love with Georgia after meeting her in the town dance hall and does his best to impress her for New Year's Eve but she stands him up. It's not until the fatefully meet on a cruise liner that they are able to finally connect.

Big Jim McKay

Big Jim is one of thousands in search of gold in Alaska. We see that he finds a "Mountain of Gold" but has to abandon it in order to seek refuge from the snow storm. In doing so he loses the location of his find, but is able to claim it once again with the help of The Tramp who leads him back to the cabin where they both had refuge from the storm and eventually to the gold which he splits with The Tramp.


Georgia is a dancer at the Monte Carlo Dance Hall in the Alaskan town that The Tramp stumbles into. She is in love with Jack Cameron who treats her like dirt, and she and her friends stand up The Tramp after telling him they want to spend New Years Eve with him. Once she sees that Jack doesn't truly care for her she leaves Alaska on a ship where she fatefully reunites with The Tramp and they fall in love.

Jack Cameron

Jack is a wealthy man who spends his money on boose and women at the Monte Carlo Dance Hall. He lusts after Georgia who doesn't put up with his bologna. But he's persistent and convinces her he's in love, which isn't true. He makes fun of The Tramp and is constantly picking a fight with him. Eventually, Georgia leaves him when she knows he doesn't care for her.

Black Larsen

Larsen is a wanted criminal who The Tramp bunks with in a cabin in the midst of a snow storm. McKay also stumbles into the same shack and the men spend days together being sheltered from the cold. Larsen draws the lowest card and thus must find food and bring it back for the men. He finds food by killing two men who are looking to bring him to justice and taking their supplies. He eats his fill and never returns to the cabin.

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