The Gold Rush Summary

The Gold Rush Summary

The movie starts off with a man, Big Jim, finding a large amount of gold on his land. The Lone Prospector also is seeking for the gold. However, a blizzard strikes, and both the Lone Prospector and Jim escape to a cabin owned by Black Larsen, a known criminal.

They stay in the cabin for a period of time, but when the food begins to run out, they take bets to decide who should go out into the blizzard to obtain some more. Larsen is the chosen one to go out, and during his search, eh finds the gold deposit. He decides to stay there and wait to ambush Jim.

Back at the cabin, Jim and Prospector, are starving so cook one of his shoes to eat. However, they are still starving and Prospector begins to imagine Jim as a chicken and longs to eat him. However, a bear attacks them and they manage to kill it, thereby supplying them with food to eat.

When the blizzard comes to an end, both depart. Jim returns to his gold mine where he is attacked by Larsen who had been waiting. However, Larsen dies by an avalanche. Jim loses his memory in the event but he recalls there being a large gold deposit and having stayed in a cabin near to it. He also remembers Prospector so goes to look for him, hoping that he could tell him where the cabin is located

Prospector has moved to the town where he falls in love with Georgia. However, she is only using him to get out of dancing with ladies man, Jack. He then invites her to dinner, and she accepts, but does not turn up. As such, Prospector goes looking for her. However, she then remembers the invite but turns up to an empty house with a prepared dinner. She feels bad and writes him a note asking to talk. When Prospector returns he searches for Georgia again but is taken by Jim.

They both stay in a cabin where another blizzard occurs. The blizzard knocks the cabin right next o the gold deposit. The two manage to escape the falling cabin and are left with the gold deposit, both becoming extremely wealthy. However, Prospector was unable to relocate Georgia.

A year later, both are travelling on a ship to the U.S., where they find Georgia. The Prospector and Georgia are reunited.

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