The Gold Rush Irony

The Gold Rush Irony


The Lone Prospector is walking through the snow and sees a signpost. He goes to it in order to get some sort of directions, but ironically it is a burial marking for a man who froze to death on the journey.

Get Out!

Larsen screams at The Tramp to get out of the shack he's inhabiting. But when he opens the door the wind blows in so hard that The Tramp can't get out even if he wanted to. So he is stuck inside the shack with Larsen.


Big Jim McKay stumbles in from the snow storm and is so hungry he takes the meat right out of The Tramp's hands and takes a bite. Ironically, his hunger is so deep that he doesn't realize he is also taking a bite out of The Tramp's finger which he has to pull away from the man or he will eat it off.

Cutting Cards

While cutting cards to determine who will go out into the snow storm to get food The Tramp gets a 3. He starts to get his things to go out into the snow storm, but ironically he gets to stay because Larsen draws a 2 right behind him. Relieved, he stays inside.

Hat and Clock

Jack stuffs The Tramp's hat onto his head so that he can't see and The Tramp takes a swing at him but hits the wood post hurting his hand. Because he cannot see he doesn't know that Jack has been wiped out by the clock that's fallen off the wall and not by his thundering punch. Believing he knocked the man out cold, The Tramp leaves victorious.

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