The King in Yellow Characters

The King in Yellow Character List

Dr. Archer

Dr. Archer is an owner of a private asylum, where Hilfred Castaigne stayed after his fall from a horse.

Hilfred Castaigne

Hilfred Castaigne is the protagonist of the Repairer of Reputations. He is also the narrator. Hilfred is a complex character, for he seems to be an absolutely normal and right-minded person at the very beginning and then proves to be a madman. He read the book The King in Yellow during the period of his recovery and lost his mind completely. Hilfred Castaigne dies in the Asylum for Criminal Insane.

Mr. Wilde

Mr. Wilde is a character from the Repair of Reputations. He is an old man, who leads a lonely life and calls himself a repairer of reputations. Like Hilfred Castaigne, he is interested in the Kind in Yellow.

Louis Castaigne

Louis Castaigne is a character from the Repair of Reputations and Hilfred’s cousin. According to Hilfred, Louise is the heir of the Imperial Dynasty of America.


Harberk is a character from the Repair of Reputations. He is an armourer and a father of Constance, a young woman Louis is in love with. Harberk starts suspecting that Hilfred is ill when the latter states that Harberk is not his real name.


Cnastance is a character from the Repair of Reputations. She and Louise are in love and plan to get married.


Vance is a character from the Repair of Reputations. He comes to Mr. Wilde to ask him for help, for Vance might lose all chances to get a high position in the bank because of forgery. Mr. Wilde agrees to help but he asks to kill Constance.

Boris Yvain

Boris Yvain is a character from the Mask. Being a gifted sculptor and an alchemist, he finds a formula of a liquid which can turn an object immersed in it into a piece of marble. Boris is in love with Genevieve. At the age of 23, Boris commits suicide.


Genevieve is a character from the Mask and a lover of Boris Yvain.


Alec is a character from the Mask and a narrator. He is in love with Genevieve and a good friend of Boris Yvain. His main occupation is painting.

Jack Scott

Jack Scott is character from the Mask and a friend of Boris and Genevieve.

Unnamed character

An unnamed character is a narrator of In the Court of Dragon.


Sylvia is an ex-lover of Mr. Scott, who is a narrator in The Yellow Sign.

Mr. Scott

Mr. Scott is the narrator in The Yellow Sign. He works as a painter and at some point he falls for Tessie, his model. He finds a yellow sign.

Jimmy McCormick

Jimmy McCormick is a character in The Yellow Sign.

Ed Burke

Ed Burke is a character in The Yellow Sign.

Tessie Reardon

Tessie Reardon is a character in the Yellow Sign and Mr. Scott’s model.


Jeanne is a character in The Demoiselle D’Ys.


Philip is a character in The Demoiselle D’Ys. He is an American, who loses his way while hunting in Brittany, where he meets Jeanne.


Gaston is a character in The Demoiselle D’Ys.


Severn is a character in The Street of The Four Winds. He is a lonely painter, who lives in Paris. One night, he finds a cat near his door. Severn feeds the poor animal and notices that it has a collar. Later on, he finds out who is the owner of the cat. It belongs to Sylvia Elven, whom he finds dead in her bed.


Cabane is a character in The Street of The Four Winds. He works as a baker.

Jack Trent

Jack Trent is one of the characters in The Street of the First Shell.


Sylvia is one of the characters in The Street of the First Shell. She lives with Jack Trent and models for him.


Hartman is one of the characters in The Street of the First Shell. Although he is an American citizen, he turns out to be a German spy.

Mister West

Mister West is one of the characters in The Street of the First Shell. He especially hates Hartman.


Collette is a character in The Street of the First Shell.


Fallowby is a character in The Street of the First Shell.

Captain Southwark

Captain Southwark is a character in The Street of the First Shell.

Joel Byram

Joel Byram is a character in The Street of Our Lady of The Fields. He has a title of Reverend and disrespects Jesuits. He is also a friend of Hastings.

Madame Marotte

Madame Marotte is a character in The Street of Our Lady of The Fields. The boarding house, where Hastings stays in, is run by her.


Sussy or Susie Byng is a character in The Street of Our Lady of The Fields.


Elliot is a character in The Street of Our Lady of The Fields.


Selby is a character and a protagonist in Rue Barree.

Foxhall Clifford

Foxhall Clifford is a character in Rue Barree. He is Selby’s acquaintance.


Rowden is a character in Rue Barree.

Rue Barree

Rue Barree is a girl from Rue Barree story. Presumably, she is a pianist.

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