The King in Yellow Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What does yellow signify in the stories?

    Yellow is often used to signify decay, decadence and corruption. As such, the inclusion of yellow in the title of this collection suggests something about its contents.

    The King in Yellow was influenced heavily by the Decadent movement in the late 1800s. This was an artistic and literary movement, based on an ideology of hedonism and excess. The movement is often depicted negatively, associated with overdose, sexual infections, scandal and addiction. The movement is associated with yellow, suggesting indulgence and disease.

  2. 2

    What key ideas connect the stories?

    Firstly, the fictional play The King in Yellow is referred to repeatedly in the stories. The play apparently has the power to drive people mad. Passages of the play are scattered throughout the stories, giving us some idea of what the play might be about. The play is described as "dangerous". This may be a reference to the common belief in the late 1800s that literary texts could have a dangerous influence, leading to the censorship.

    Another feature which recurs throughout the collection is The King in Yellow, a mysterious character who embodies evil. He has the ability to live inside a person and can corrupt them from within. These ideas create a running theme throughout the stories, which connects them.

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